The conversation of where one grew up is usually short and crystal clear. Not so with
Todd Kosakowski. Growing up in a nomadic lifestyle as the son of a foreman of bridge and road construction, Todd went to 27 different schools.

Todd, who has been recently working on Ernestina has been closely connected to boats and ships since high school. His love of boats began when he received a scholarship from Outward Bound at Hurricane Island.

After high school, Todd began his ventures on Tall Ships. He crewed in Key West on the
Liberty Clipper where he met his future wife, who

at the time, was the Captain. He later crewed or was the mate of
Appledore II,
Lettie G. Howard (a 1894 schooner out of Gloucester), and the
Amistad in New London, CT. As a winter maintenence coordinator aboard
Clearwater, on the Hudson River in New York, Todd began learning about the building of ships through such tasks as repairing the planking on the deck.
Recalling that his first boat experience began in Rockland as he left for Hurricane Island, he began a full circle experience by attending the Apprentice Shop at the
Atlantic Challenge also in Rockland. Following his graduation, he applied to the Boothbay Harbor Shipyard and was

shortly offered a job which he feels is one of his all time favorites.
As a new dad of a nine month old daughter, Ava Katherine, Todd enjoys spending time with his family. In his tiny bits of extra time he loves to work on his 36' Rhodes sloop and brew beer.
When asked what he would like to be doing in five-years, he commented that cruising in a sailboat with his family would be at the top of his list.